Promote Your Hearing Loop During the Easter Season!

Draw Seasonal Visitors Back into the Flock

Churches can expect an influx of visitors, in addition to their regular attendees, during the Easter season. According to Senior Pastor Central, more than likely 25% of all visitors to a church annually will come for Easter services. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your church’s hearing loop, helping ensure regular attendees and guests with hearing loss enjoy your Easter services.

A hearing loop signifies to attendees that all are truly welcome in your church community. Make this message loud and clear by taking the following easy steps to promote your hearing loop during the Easter season:

  • Briefly explain hearing loop technology before the start of services and remind attendees to turn on their telecoil program.
  • Promote the presence of your hearing loop in your church bulletin.
  • Add a slide with hearing loop information to your PowerPoints (if used).
  • Assign a point person to help answer questions about the system and/or assist with loop receivers before the service.
  • Have extra receivers on hand. Assist2Hear is happy to help you with additional receiver purchase or rental if needed.

A hearing loop is a true blessing for people with hearing loss! It significantly enhances the church experience by providing clarity to every word spoken. Most notably, hearing loops filter out the echo, reverberation, and background noise that traditionally make it difficult to hear the sermon in church. Attendees with or without hearing aids can utilize the hearing loop system.

The Easter season is a prime opportunity to promote the hearing loop to your attendees and guests, offering them an enhanced worship experience. By actively promoting your hearing loop, you are also increasing the odds of turning an Easter visitor into a regular attendee!

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