El Paso County Commissioner’s Auditorium
El Paso County Commissioner’s Auditorium
Window etching in El Paso County Commissioner’s Chambers
El Paso County installed an induction hearing loop in the El Paso County auditorium in 2016. Located in downtown Colorado Springs, the 200-seat auditorium regularly hosts the local government and active community members. The hearing loop is one of many that El Paso County has installed to support its citizens. (See Loop Directory)
The hearing loop installation required the removal of existing carpet tiles to underlay a flat copper wire in the aisles, central standing, and dais segments. Pressure-sensitive vinyl strips protect the flat copper wire in the seating area, where the flooring consists of finished concrete. A sienna color complements the existing décor in the auditorium.
“I never knew the government process could be so entertaining!”, is just one of the many compliments received to date regarding the El Paso County Commissioner’s hearing loop system.