New Hearing Loop in Fredericksburg Texas

Trinity Church in Fredericksburg, TX

Trinity Church in Fredericksburg Installs Hearing Loop

The charming town of Fredericksburg, TX is now even more lovely thanks to the addition of a new hearing loop within the community. The new Fredericksburg hearing loop is at Trinity Church,  located across from the Circle E Candle Factory, approximately 2 miles east of town, at 157 Schmidtzinsky Road. The town of Fredericksburg itself is located in the wine country just outside Austin.  Today, the town is known for both its wine production, as well its uniquely German flair, an homage to the town’s early settlers. The church, formerly known as Fredericksburg Fellowship Christian Church, chose Assist2Hear to install the hearing loop system.

Hearing Loop Installation Experience Counts

Dark brown wood and historic-looking white walls are the hallmarks of the sanctuary at Trinity Church. The architecture and décor of the sanctuary is, of course, very German – high-quality wood, well-constructed and traditional, with clean lines. Trinity’s flooring consists of beautiful dark brown wood planks that run perpendicular to the pews and the ceiling is cavernous. Installing a hearing loop in a distinctive location such as this requires a variety of different techniques to hide or disguise wiring.

In spaces with similar size and layout, a minimum of a figure-eight loop design is necessary to ensure the end product is IEC-compliant. Anything less in a space this wide will generally result in “dead” spots, highly variable, or low sound for the user. Unfortunately, in hearing loop land, it is extremely rare to be able to just “run a wire around a room” and have a street-legal hearing loop. To minimize the disturbance to the church’s decor during the installation, the many years of design and installation experience of Assist2Hear team paid off.

“Most installers would not have taken this job, simply because of the wood flooring,” said Richard, Assist2Hear lead installer. “We have worked with so many historical churches and buildings over the years now though that we can figure out how to install a hearing loop anywhere and make it hidden. The way the materials used on the floor blended with the wood floor in this job far kind of blew my mind though -– it looks phenomenol!”

Visiting Fredericksburg

Founded in 1946 by German settlers, today the town of Fredericksburg continues to embrace its historic German heritage. German restaurants, bed & breakfasts, and wineries abound. The town is also notably home to the National Museum of the Pacific War, named after Fredericksburg native, Chester A. Nimitz. The museum is a must-visit for history buffs!

A visit to Fredericksburg, TX is definitely worth one’s time. Take heed though – throngs of tourists and weekenders arrive toward the middle and end of the week. For a quieter and more navigable experience, visit earlier in the week. To quote the locals, “the weekend starts on Wednesday in Fredericksburg”.

Tourism being the primary industry, it is expected that both locals and visitors will benefit from the new Fredericksburg hearing loop at Trinity Church!

Various pictures of the sanctuary of Trinity Church in Fredericksburg, TX where the new hearing loop was installed.
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