Maxdale Cowboy Church gets a new induction hearing loop system!Maxdale Cowboy Church – Install Announcement


Assist2Hear is pleased to announce the completion of another Texas induction hearing loop system at Maxdale Cowboy Church, located 16816 Wolfridge Road, Killeen, Texas.  With the installation of the hearing loop, Maxdale parishioners with hearing loss can enjoy sermons in the church, minus any echo or reverberation that might have previously made it difficult to hear due to the church’s concrete floors and high ceilings.


A hearing loop is a special type of sound system which helps parishioners suffering with hearing loss.  Most churches offer headsets via an FM system, which many people with hearing aids are unable to use or simply are too embarrassed to use.


A hearing loop also known as an induction loop, consists of copper wire typically installed under the flooring or in the ceiling by our field certified installation team.  The hearing loop is then connected to the church’s sound system to create a magnetic signal which is picked up by the copper telecoil, located inside of most hearing aids and hearing implants. The system requires no additional attachments or headsets- the user simply walks into the church and changes a setting on their hearing device and the loop delivers custom sound to the hearing aids! This amazing technology eliminates the need for headsets which often go unused in churches for a multitude of reasons.



Since the completion of the hearing loop installation, feedback from Killeen residents that attend the church has been positive!


The Maxdale Cowboy Church is truly committed to meeting the needs of their congregation

said Andy Rivas, Project Manager for Assist2Hear of Dallas and Austin.


Interested in learning more?

If you are interested learning more about hearing loop technology such as “What is a hearing loop?” or “How does an induction loop work?”, checkout the many resources on our website,  If you are interested in learning more about installing an induction loop in your Texas church or venue, Assist2Hear’s Texas team is here to help!  Please call us today at 877-338-1084 to discuss or schedule a free on-site assessment.

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